Quantum Circuit Programming
Forge has a number of facilities for “traditional” circuit-model quantum machine programming using our Quasar library for building and executing quantum circuits.
The most current version of Quasar is present on our jupyter notebook server. To use quasar to build a circuit, you can do something like the following:
>>> from quasar import Circuit
>>> bell_pair = Circuit()
>>> bell_pair.H(0).CX(0,1)
<quasar.circuit.Circuit object at 0x7febc7c93dd8>
>>> print(bell_pair)
T : |0|1|
q0 : -H-@-
q1 : ---X-
T : |0|1|
You can then run the circuit by using the quasar forge backend.
Using the Quasar backend:
The QuasarBackend class provides a more integrated backend to Quasar using Forge as a platform. You can import the class from qcware.forge.circuits.quasar_backend and use it as shown below:
>>> from qcware.forge.circuits.quasar_backend import QuasarBackend
>>> backend = QuasarBackend("qcware/cpu_simulator")
>>> backend.has_run_statevector
>>> backend.run_statevector(circuit=bell_pair)
array([0.70710678+0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0.70710678+0.j])
>>> phist = backend.run_measurement(circuit=bell_pair, nmeasurement=1000)
>>> p
<quasar.measurement.ProbabilityHistogram object at 0x7f83e0526eb8>
>>> print(p)
nqubit : 2
nmeasurement : None
|00> : 0.500000
|11> : 0.500000
The QuasarBackend class supports all the features of the Quasar backends (please see the Quasar documentation here )